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Saving the Hula Hoop


Sometimes when we have those moments during our hoop dance where you know that a mistake is coming and you lose control of your hoop, instead of letting the hoop fall to the ground, save it and flow it into another move. This will make your hoop dance seem flawless and the mistake doesn’t look like a mistake but an intentional part of the hoop dance.

Take a look at Sharna Roses’ Practice – Something I’ve always noticed about Sharna’s style is that she will move the hoop in any way necessary to keep it going. She’ll grab it and switch plane instantly she’ll kick it up, jump, through, run and grab, whatever is takes she makes it happen. I may be guessing here but I get the impression that a lot of her innovation and personal style is rooted in this practice of never letting go, always following through with a trick even if it doesn’t go as planned. Pull it off however you can and you may just created something new for yourself.

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